Coding/VB C C++
bitmap, picturebox, pixel color, image overlay, ...
2016. 2. 17. 05:32
Dim MyBitmap As New Bitmap(MyPicturebox.Image)
Dim MyColor As Color
MyColor = MyBitmap.GetPixel(X of your pixel, Y of your pixel)
Dim b As Bitmap
Dim cr, cg, cb As Integer
b.SetPixel(ix, iy, Color.FromArgb(cr, cg, cb))
image overlay
Imports System.Drawing
Dim OverlayImage As New Bitmap("Some Path", True)
Dim BackImage As New Bitmap("Some Path", True)
g As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(BackImage)
g.DrawImage(OverlayImage, 0, 0)
pictureBox1.Image = BackImage