
PC boot menu key

smores 2021. 4. 8. 04:09

Acer - Esc, F9, F12
ASUS - Esc, F8
Compaq - Esc, F9
Dell - F12
EMachines - F12
HP - Esc, F9
Intel - F10
Lenovo - F8, F10, F12
NEC - F5
Packard Bell - F8
Samsung - Esc, F12
Sony - F11, F12
Toshiba - F12



Sony VAIO (my laptop) - see the link (그냥 DVD-R 에 구워서 하는게 낫다)


Sony VAIO VGN 660G boot from USB

My SOny VAIO Laptop PCG 7N2LT2300 1.66GHz - 714VGN 660G F2 Boot Menu - set boot external * (FDD) to first, in Advance Menu - set external enable Make USB Drive live unix, 32 bit version, not 64 bit !!!! - still not working well ??!!! - Try F11 when booting


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