Retro Game & PC/매뉴얼 팁 작업

Commodore 64 - File Transfer from PC to C64 (datasette emulation)

smores 2013. 4. 19. 00:07

지난번 포스팅에서 PC 를 도스환경하에서 C64 의 1541 FDD 로 에뮬레이트 하는 정보를 찾아서 올린 바 있다. 이를 위해서는 XE1541 과 유사한 케이블을 하나 만들어야 하고 도스 환경으로 돌릴 PC 도 하나 필요하다. 


한편 인터넷을 뒤져보면 C64의 경우 다수의 소프트웨어들이 아직 테이프 이미지 파일로 돌아다닌다. 물론 이를 D64 포맷으로 변경해서 쓸 수도 있지만 경우에 따라서는 이러한 컨버전이 조금 까다로운 경우도 있는 모양이다. 이런 경우 또 다른 간단한 케이블을 하나 준비하고 몇가지 유틸리티 프로그램을 이용해서 테이프 이미지를 WAV 파일로 바꾼 후 이를 MP3 플레이어나 PC 사운드 카드로 플레이하여 C64 의 datasette 포트를 통해서 프로그램을 로드할 수 있다. 


다만 C64의 경우 전용 datasette와의 커뮤니케이션은 단순한 단방향 사운드 입력 뿐이 아니라 datasette 모터 컨트롤을 위한 시그널이 C64로부터 datasette로 나가는 모양이다. 때문에 일종의 타이밍 등을 조절해야 할 필요가 있어서 단순히 MP3 플레이어 등의 음원만을 보내는 것으로는 일이 되지 않기에 타이밍을 알려주는 LED 점등기능과 수작업으로 datasette 모터 구동 시작 신호 같은 것을 C64로 보내주는 트릭을 쓸 수 있는 케이블이 필요하다는 것이 다음의 사이트의 내용이다. 


내용 갈무리와 더불어 링크에 있던 케이블 schematics 도 일단 갈무리해 둔다. 아마도 datasette 포트에 맞는 커넥터는 구하기 어려울 듯 하여 악어클립 3개를 사용해서 맞는 핀을 잡아주어야 할 것 같다.



C64 Standard Tape Interface

This is an interface which lets you connect your C64 to ANY standard Tape Player instead of the custom made C1531 device, which can be hard to get today. Also it means you can connect your C64 to any PC with a sound card and let the PC act as a Tape Player with a perfectly clear sound - so there are no Load errors possible.

If you do this then you have a few programs which can play some standard C64 files like PRG, T64, P00 (these all contain single files) or TAP (which can contain recordings of original C64 games). By doing this you can convert your PC into a huge file-server for your C64.

I am only providing the schematics for the interface. It is simple enough to wire it on an experimental board so I am not providing the board schematics.
All parts are available in any electronic shop and you can choose a different inverter or the OP, if you can't get the ones I used (just ask for a compatible one).
The only problem is to get the plug that plugs into the C2N port of the C64. I have used a plug salvaged from a dead C1531 casette recorder. If you cannot find one then you can either make one your own (might be hard to make a good one) or just solder the wires to the motherboard of the C64.

The operation of the interface is very simple. The input is first amplified and filtered by the OP (you can also tweak this with the first resistor a little).
Then it goes through a simple A/D convertor which consists of two invertors and this goes to the input of the C64.
The Green LED (2) is on when there is a signal (and it flashes a bit if you load stuff to it).
The Red LED (1) is on when the C64 turns the MOTOR of the C1531 ON - it expects the casette player to load. When it is OFF then you should stop transmitting data. This LED is there because you must stop the tape when it goes out !

If you decide to make this interface then I cannot be held responsible for any damage it could cause to your equipment or C64 - you do it at your own risk. The interface works fine with a few C64 I own. First try LOW volume levels or you might damage it !

Here is the link to the schematics : Schematics

Tools to use with the interface:

If you would like to use your PC to play .TAP files through the soundblaster and this interface to your C64 then you can use my utility 64TapVoc which can do that. If you don't have a soundblaster compatible sound card then you can use the same utility to convert the .TAP file to .VOC format. You can use MediaPlayer or some other VOC player to playback the resulting VOC file through your soundcard to the C64 or Tape recorder.
On some soundcards you will need to use the command line option /revers to get a proper output !

If you want to play .PRG, .T64 or .P00 files to the interface then you can use the WAV-PRG program by Fabrizio Gennari which works in the Windows/Linux environment and is VERY user-friendly. It can also use the Standard C64 Loader or the Turbo Tape 64 variant and much more ! Link: WAV-PRG Homepage.

Another tool, which I cannot find a link for on the internet, is the TapWav tool by Luigi Di Fraia. There are no emails/links in the readme so I have no idea how I got it or where its homepage is at. This tool can convert the TAP files to .WAV format. This files are similar to .VOC files and can then be replayed to the interface with any Sound Player on your soundcard.

If you would like to contact me then you can email me at :

C64 Type Page Design by Reefa






