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Summary of Apple II Monitor Commands

smores 2024. 8. 25. 04:22



Summary of Apple II Monitor Commands





Summary of Apple II Monitor Commands

Examining Memory.

  • {adrs}
    Examines the value contained in one location.
  • {adrs1}.{adrs2}
    Displays the values contained in all locations between {adrs1} and {adrs2}.
  • [RETURN]
    Displays the values in up to eight locations following the last opened location.

Changing the Contents of Memory.

  • {adrs}:{val} {val} ...
    Stores the values in consecutive memory locations starting at {adrs}.
  • :{val} {val}
    Stores values in memory starting at the next changeable location.

Moving and Comparing.

  • {dest}<{start}.{end}M
    Copies the values in the range {start}.{end} into the range beginning at {dest}. (M=move)
  • {dest}<{start}.{end}V
    Compares the values in the range {start}.{end} to those in the range beginning at {dest}. (V=verify)

Saving and Loading via Cassette Tape.

  • {start}.{end}W
    Writes the values in the memory range {start}.{end} onto tape, preceded by a ten-second leader.
  • {start}.{end}R
    Reads values from tape, storing them in memory beginning at {start} and stopping at {end}. Prints "ERR" if an error occurs.

Running and Listing Programs.

  • {adrs}G
    Transfers control to the machine language program beginning at {adrs}. (G=go)
  • {adrs}L
    Disassembles and displays 20 instructions, starting at {adrs}. Subsequent L's will display 20 more instructions each. (L=list)


  • {adrs}S
    Disassemble, display, and execute the instruction at {adrs}, and display the contents of the 6502's internal registers. Subsequent S's will display and execute successive instructions. (S=step)
  • {adrs}T
    Step infinitely. The TRACE command stops only when it executes a BRK instruction or when you press RESET. (T=trace)
  • Contrl-E
    Displays the contents of the 6502's registers. (E=examine)
  • I
    Set Inverse display mode.
  • N
    Set Normal display mode. Also useful as a delimiter for putting multiple commands on one line.
  • Control-B
    Enter the language currently installed in the Apple's ROM (cold start at $E000).
  • Control-C
    Reenter the language currently installed in the Apple's ROM (warm start at $E003).
  • {val1}+{val2}
    Add the two values and print the result.
  • {val2}-{val1}
    Subtract the second value from the first and print the result.
  • {slot} Control-P
    Divert output to the device whose interface card in in slot number {slot}. If {slot}=0, then route output to the Apple's screen.
  • {slot} Control-K
    Accept input from the device whose interface card is in slot number {slot}. If {slot}=0, then accept input from the Apple's keyboard.
  • Control-Y
    Jump to the machine language subroutine at location $03F8. This lets you add your own commands to the Monitor.

The Mini-Assembler.

  • F666G
    Invoke the Mini-Assembler.
  • ${command}
    Execute a Monitor command from the Mini-Assembler.
  • FF69G
    Leave the Mini-Assembler.