Linux/Ubuntu Debian

우분투에서의 에뮬게임

smores 2014. 7. 11. 15:45

우분투에서 즐기는 클래식 게임들

간단히 정리하자면

MSX : openmsx + catapult (시냅틱 or ubuntu software center)

Apple II : KEGS, LinApple 

PC DOS: DosBox + Dosbox Game Launcher / SCUMM


Super Nintendo : ZSNE, SNES9x, XE

Sega consoles : XE

PS 1 : PSX


Arcade : MAME (시냅틱)

XE : Multi System Emulator

Xe is a multi system emulator for Windows and Linux that emulates many console and handheld video game systems that are no longer on the market. Xe is an original emulator written from scratch by one person. It is not a port or collection of other emulators.

Xe currently supports the following systems:

  • SG-1000
  • Famicom & Famicom Disk System / NES
  • Mark III / Master System
  • PC Engine & PC Engine CD-ROM2 / Turbo Grafx 16 & Turbo Grafx CD
  • Mega Drive & Mega CD / Genesis & Sega CD
  • Super Famicom / SNES
  • Neo Geo
  • Neo Geo CD
  • CPS Changer
  • FM Towns Marty
  • PC-FX
  • Game Boy & Game Boy Color
  • Game Gear
  • Neo Geo Pocket & Neo Geo Pocket Color
  • Wonder Swan & Wonder Swan Color
  • Game Boy Advance

Xe is currently available for the following platforms:

  • Windows x86-32
  • Linux x86-32
  • Linux x86-64
  • Linux PPC-64

How to install XE

Installing Xe Emulator on Ubuntu or Mythbuntu

1.) Install Dependancies

sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libasound2-dev libXv-dev libXxf86vm-dev

2.) Extract Xe, run the following commands from the Xe directory


mkdir /usr/local/lib/xe

mv xe rc modules manual.html /usr/local/lib/xe

ln -sf /usr/local/lib/xe/xe /usr/local/bin/xe


KEGS on Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install build-essential xorg-dev

cd to the source directory

cd ~/Desktop/kegs.0.91/src

Be sure to follow the instructions in the x86 Linux section in the README.compile.txt file. It just says to enter this command before make: 

rm vars; ln -s vars_x86linux vars

*If you are compiling in 64-bit, you need to change the -march flag in the vars file to -march=amdfam10 before running the make command.

rm vars; ln -s vars_x86linux vars


Now,you have a file called xkegs in the main kegs directory. Change to that directory and run the xkegs file.

cd ..

