Linux/Ubuntu Debian

mouse wheel scroll speed

smores 2019. 8. 14. 02:23

Install imwheel with the following command or from the Software Center:

$ sudo apt-get install imwheel

Create (if necessary) and edit the configfile ~/.imwheelrc with an editor of your choice (e.g. gedit). Fill in the following for increasing the scroll speed for every Command. NB: This configuration file will apply these new scroll settings to all programs, (including the terminal, which may not be what you want).

None,       Up,     Up,     3
None,       Down,   Down,   3

If you want to only apply these settings to Chrome, for instance, use these settings instead:

None,       Up,     Up,     3
None,       Down,   Down,   3

The 3 is a scroll multiplier to increase the effectiveness of the scroll wheel. In the README of the project it is called "REPS". The readme states: 

Add imwheel in the startup list

이 방법은 desktop 전환시 scroll wheel 이 작동하지 않는 문제점이 있음
