Retro Game & PC/정보

Apple IIc Timer Interrupt

smores 2022. 6. 13. 21:55

애플2 중에 유일하게 타이어 인터럽트가 있다고 함.


만일 타이머 인터럽트가 있을 경우 가능한 프로그램 ?


When I typed source into Applewin 1.24.0, CALL 768 brings me no result, no sound.


0300-   4C 15 03    JMP   $0315
0303-   48          PHA
0304-   B1 06       LDA   ($06),Y
0306-   A2 C4       LDX   #$C4
0308-   A0 40       LDY   #$40
030A-   8D 37 03    STA   $0337
030D-   8E 38 03    STX   $0338
0310-   68          PLA
0311-   20 36 03    JSR   $0336
0314-   60          RTS
0315-   A9 C4       LDA   #$C4
0317-   85 07       STA   $07
0319-   A0 19       LDY   #$19
031B-   20 03 03    JSR   $0303
031E-   A9 30       LDA   #$30
0320-   8D FE 03    STA   $03FE
0323-   A9 03       LDA   #$03
0325-   8D FF 03    STA   $03FF
0328-   A0 12       LDY   #$12
032A-   A9 08       LDA   #$08
032C-   20 03 03    JSR   $0303
032F-   60          RTS
0330-   AD 30 C0    LDA   $C030
0333-   A5 45       LDA   $45
0335-   40          RTI
0336-   4C 00 00    JMP   $0000

Is possible to use interrupt?

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