우분투 10.04 LTS 로 되돌아왔다. 소니 바이오 노트북은 윈도우7 전용으로 해서 집사람 쓰게 하려고... (그놈은 다 좋은데 우분투 한번 돌리고 나면 화면이 어두워진다. 안타깝게도 키보드가 고장나서 - 몇년전 집사람이 물을 쏟음 - 완전히 바보되어 내부 연결 끊어놓고 외부 wireless 키보드랑 마우스 사용중. 때문에 화면 밝기 조절이 안된다. 항상 bios setup 들어가서 default setting 잡아주고 나와야 한다.
어쨌거나 우분투 옛버전은 옛버전 firefox 가 기본임. 때문에 최근 버전 쓰려면 인스톨 방법을 알아야 함.
다음에 인스톨 방법을 정리한다. 출처는 여기
A. Install Firefox 18 in 5 easy steps
1. Download
Download the release from the official channels page:
A 64 bit build is also available in the x86_64 directory of Mozilla's FTP.
This how-to supposes that the downloaded file is saved in the “Downloads” directory situated in your home directory.
2. Extract
The downloaded file is a compressed .tar.bz2 archive. In case you want to Learn more on these extensions: tar, bzip2. To extract this juicy archive, open the Downloads directory. Look for a file named firefox-18.0.tar.bz2, right-click on it and select “extract here”.
Alternatively, you can extract the archive from the command line:
cd ~/Downloads/
tar xjf firefox-18.0.tar.bz2
For those interested, here are the tar arguments used in the command:
x : eXtract
j : deal with bzipped file
f : read from a file (rather than a tape device)
The firefox-18.0.tar.bz2 archive can now be deleted.
3. Move to /opt
External programs like LibreOffice, Google Chrome, Adobe reader, ... are all installed in the /opt directory. If you want more info about why /opt, check out these two links:
Where to install my products on linux?
Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
If you already had a previous Firefox version installed in the /opt directory, remove it with the following command:
sudo rm -r /opt/firefox
Now move the firefox directory (which was created in your Downloads folder during extraction) to /opt:
sudo mv firefox /opt/firefox18
4. Set up symbolic links
Depending on you usage pattern, follow the instructions for case 1 OR for case 2.
Case 1: you want to use Firefox 18 as you default browser:
“Backup” the old Firefox launcher: Create a symbolic link pointing to the new Firefox version: No need to update your icons/shortcuts, they should now launch the new version of Firefox. Your old Firefox version is still installed. If you want to use it, run firefox-old in a terminal or create shortcuts/icons referring to firefox-old. |
Case 2: you want to keep using your “old” Firefox by default:
Create a symbolic link pointing to the new Firefox version: Launch the newly installed Firefox by running firefox18 in a terminal, or create shortcuts/icons referring to firefox18. |
5. Updates & Final
Firefox 18 will manage its own updates independently of your system's package manager, an download subsequent releases. There will be no need to repeat the whole “procedure”... Enjoy Firefox!
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